Ordinance Summary

The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Second Ordinance, 2019

  • The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Second Ordinance, 2019 was promulgated on February 21, 2019.  The Ordinance amends the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 which sets up the Medical Council of India (MCI) which regulates medical education and practice.  Note that, two similar Ordinances were promulgated in September 2018 and January 2019.  Provisions of this Ordinance are effective from the date of the first Ordinance, i.e., September 26, 2018.
  • Supersession of the MCI:  The 1956 Act provides for supersession of the MCI and its reconstitution within a period of three years from the date of its supersession.  In the interim period, the Act requires the central government to constitute a Board of Governors, to exercise the powers of the MCI.  The Ordinance amends the Act to reduce the time period for supersession of the MCI from three years to two years.
  • The Act provides for the Board of Governors to consist of up to seven members including persons of eminence in medical education, appointed by the central government.  The Ordinance amends this provision to increase the strength of the Board from seven members to 12 members.  Further, it allows for persons with proven administrative capacity an experience to be selected in the Board.  The Ordinance provides for the Board of Governors to be assisted by a Secretary General appointed by the central government.


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